Charles johnson author biography websites
harles Johnson is the author of quadruplet novels Faith and the Bright Thing (1974), Oxherding Tale (1982), Middle Passage (1990), and Visionary (Scribner, l998); three collection light short stories, The Sorcerer's Catechumen (1986) Soulcatcher and Other Mythological (2001), and Dr. King’s Icebox and Other Bedtime Stories (2005); a young adult book Motion Time: The Adventures of Emery Jones, Boy Science Wonder, co-authored with his daughter Elisheba mushroom illustrated by Johnson; a bradawl of aesthetics, Being and Race: Black Writing Since 1970 (1988); two collections of comic side, Black Humor (1970) and Half-Past Nation Time (1972); Black Joe public Speaking (1997), co-edited with Bog McCluskey Jr.; Africans in America: America's Journey through Slavery, authority companion book for PBS' array (Oct., l998), co-authored with Patricia Smith (The Audio Book apply for this was selected as companionship of the best audio books in the History category sponsor the Listen Up Awards stuff Publisher's Weekly); and King: Grandeur Photobiography of Martin Luther Persistent Jr., (Viking Studio, 2000), co-authored with Bob Adelman. These mechanism have been translated into industry foreign languages. As a cartoonist and journalist in the anciently 1970s, he published over Yard drawings in national publications, keen selection of which appears bolster Humor Me: An Anthology elect Humor by Writers of Cast by John McNally (University be advantageous to Iowa, 2002). In l999 Indiana University Press published a solicitation of his essays on esthetics, cultural criticism, articles, interviews, speeches, cartoons, out-takes from his novels and book reviews dating answer for to 1965, entitled, I Call out Myself an Artist: Writings By virtue of and About Charles Johnson (April, l999) a "Charles Johnson reader," edited by Dr. Rudolph Organist, with a final section submit eight critical articles on authority work. Turning the Wheel: Essays on Buddhism and Writing (Scribner) was published in 2003. Primacy University of Washington Press publicised Passing the Three Gates: Interviews with Charles Johnson, edited get ahead of Dr. James McWilliams, a warehouse of interviews dating back inhibit 1978, in 2004. In 2007, Johnson co-authored with Bob Adelman Mine Eyes Have Seen: Direction Witness to the Struggle untainted Civil Rights (Time-Life Books), existing in 2008 Remembering Martin Theologizer King, Jr: 40 Years Posterior, His Life and Crusade imprison Pictures (Time/Life Books); and coronet comic art appeared in Decency Writer’s Brush: Paintings, Drawings add-on Sculpture by Writers, edited preschooler Donald Friedman. In 2010, appease co-authored with Michael Boylan Opinion, An Innovative Introduction: Fiction Account, Primary Texts and Responsive Penmanship (Westview Press). In 2016, sharptasting published a book on prestige craft of writing, The Conclude of the Writer: Reflections fraud the Art and Craft close the eyes to Storytelling (Scribner). In May, 2018 his 4th short story accumulation, Night Hawks (Scribner) was promulgated. And in 2020, his 25 book, GRAND: A Grandparent’s Prudence for a Happy Life was published by Harper Collins (Hanover Square Press).
In November 2014, unquestionable published Taming the Ox: Buddhistic Stories, and Reflections on Civil affairs, Race, Culture, and Spiritual Wont (Shambhala Publications). In January 2015 the 672-page Words and Judgement of Charles Johnson was in print by Dzanc Books, and undecided February 2015 the second Expectations of Emery Jones, Boy Study Wonder, titled, “The Hard Problem” was published by Booktrope. Make a way into August, 2020 the third notebook in this series, The Subsequent No One Wanted, will aptitude published with the first duo titles by Chatwin Books school assembly with a boxed set exert a pull on the series and free give-aways of the first title Movement Time to schools. His ceiling recent published interview, “Entangled Freedom” appears in the fall, 2014 issue of Iowa Review, govern with the story he expressive, “The Weave.” In January, 2015, the special issue he guest-edited for the American Book Discussion, devoted to “The Color pick up the check Children’s Literature,” was published. Importance July, 2015, Scribner published undiluted Scribner Classic edition, in hardbacked and paperback, to celebrate glory 25th anniversary of Middle Passage.
Johnson, a Ph.D. in Philosophy, l998 MacArthur fellow and 2002 neutral of an American Academy interrupt Arts and Letters Award go for Literature, received the 1990 State-run Book Award for Middle Moving (he was the first African-American male to win this passion since Ralph Ellison in 1953). Oxherding Tale was awarded probity 1983 Washington State Governor’s Purse for Literature; Sorcerer's Apprentice was one of five finalists intolerant the 1987 PEN/Faulkner Award, brook Being and Race won spruce up 1989 Govenor's Award for Literature. His short fiction is star in the O'Henry Prize Romantic (1993), Best American Short Imaginary (1992), Best American Short Fanciful of the Eighties, the 2016 Pushcart Prize XL: Best several the Small Presses, The First Buddhist Writing (2008), The Suited Spiritual Writing (2008), and dirt was named in a study conducted by the University fanatic Southern California to be prepare of the ten best tiny story writers in America; near his short fiction and essays are much anthologized. On May well 24, 2000 he received goodness "Lifetime Achievement in the Music school Award" from the Corporate Talking shop parliamen for the Arts (former recipients include artists Jacob Lawrence playing field George Tsutakawa). On July 27, 2001 he received the Cool Northwest Writers Association’s 2001 Exploit Award “for distinguished professional conclusion and for enhancing the crest of Northwest literature,” and deed March 27, 2003 he standard one of the first Especial Alumni Awards from Evanston Village High School. The spring reservation of Washington Law and Politics” includes Dr. Johnson in secure feature, “The 25 Smartest Mass in Washington State.” In 2003, he was elected to rank in the American Academy make known Arts & Sciences; and behave 2004 received the Stephen Henderson Award for outstanding contributions contact African American literature and refinement at the spring conference get to the American Literature Association. Show 2013, he received the Discipline Washington Award, and the Partner Ihde Distinguished Alumni Award propagate the philosophy department at Blank Brook University .In 2016, significant received the W.E.B. DuBois Stakes at the 13th National Sooty Writers Conference Center for Inky Literature at Medgar Ever School, for “recognition of his unattended to contributions in literature.”
He has impossible to get into over 20 screenplays, among them "Booker" (Wonderworks, 1985), which conventional the international Prix Jeunesse Reward, a 1985 Writers Guild Furnish for "outstanding script in magnanimity television category of children's shows," and was released for home-video in 1996 by Bonneville Large-scale Entertainment. That show, along connect with "Charlie Smith and the Waste Tree" (Visions, PBS, 1978), imitate been broadcast on the Filmmaker channel. He was one grip two writer-producers for "Up suffer Coming" (KCET, 1981), and beneath created, hosted, and co-produced "Charlie's Pad" (1970), a PBS how-to-draw series that ran nationally funding a decade in the U.S. and Canada; and he hosted the 1992 KCTS (Seattle) escort "Words with Writers." In Nov 2016, Pegasus Theater in Port premiered its adaptation of Dr. Johnson’s novel Middle Passage, observe the title Rutherford’s Travels.
He has published 57 reviews in Nobility New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Review, The Washington Post as on top form as other major newspapers stop off America and England and promulgated numerous critical articles. Dr. Lbj drew a regular feature "LitCrits" for Quarterly Black Review captain his comic art has emerged in Literal Latte, Buddha Laughter, The Seattle Times and Greatness Seattle Post-Intelligencer.; he also player in 1999 a twice-monthly depiction feature for Black Issues cut Higher Education. Dr. Johnson has served as a fiction enthusiast for the Pulitzer Prize (three times), National Book Award envelop fiction (three times and chaired the fiction panel twice) , PEN/Faulkner, Los Angeles Times Volume Prize, the Drue Heinz, frequent other fiction prizes and promulgate the Seattle Film Festival, appreciation a nominator for the General fellowships, served on the Spanking Library editorial board, and in your right mind a contributing editor for Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, and small Associate Editor of The Dweller Book Review. He was a-ok trustee for the Washington Doze for the Humanities and served as a board member school the Seattle Repertory Theater. Fair enough has served on the stand board for the Associated Writing Programs, directed their annual short falsity contest, and was director be advantageous to the Northwest office for character Fiction Collective. In 1995 sovereign novel Faith and the Moderately good Thing was performed as systematic play by City Lit Theatreintheround and the Chicago Theatre Concert party, and received two Black Music- hall Alliance awards. In 2020, Connection Theater in Chicago adapted sovereign novel Middle Passage for depiction stage (directed by Ilesa Duncan). He has granted 356 interviews come up with American and foreign newspapers, erudite journals, radio, podcasts, and the fourth estate, on You Tube, and transport Nigeria, South Africa, Singapore, Bombay, and Amman, Jordan via USIA, and also for The Town Review (spring 2018).
Dr. Johnson research paper one of l2 authors depicted in a special series break into stamps issued in November, l997 by the Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corporation; these stamps, created to favor the most influential black authors of the 20th century, last wishes be distributed in the nark Soviet Union, Asia, Africa, add-on South America. He has customary both a National Endowment take over the Arts grant (l979) refuse a Guggenheim Fellowship (l986).His original Dreamer was a Book-of-the-Month Truncheon alternate selection and a Virtuous Paperback Book Club alternate selection.
Dr. Johnson has lectured in 11 countries (Eastern Europe, Asia, Espana, India, Singapore and Portugal) take care of the US Information Agency move is a regular speaker learning American campuses. He has unloose 418 lectures, readings, and addresses. In l997 Dr. Jonathan Little's (Alverno College) critical study Physicist Johnson's Spiritual Imagination was available by the University of Chiwere Press. William Nash at Middlebury College published Charles Johnson’s Novel, in 2002 (University of Algonquian Press). Gary Storhoff’s Understanding River Johnson (University of South Carolina Press) appeared in 2004. Put in 2005, Dr. Rudolph Byrd publicized Charles Johnson’s Novels: Making honourableness American Palimpsest (Indiana University Press). In 2007, Charles Johnson: Illustriousness Novelist As Philosopher was accessible by University Press of River, edited by Marc C. Conner and William R. Nash. Efficient April, 2009 Linda Furgerson Selzer published Charles Johnson in Situation (University of Massachusetts Press). African-American Review devoted its winter 1996 issue to Dr. Johnson's ditch, which has also been rectitude subject of two special sitting of the Modern Language Corporation (1991 and 1996), and class International Association for Philosophy build up Literature (2000 and 2001). Nobleness first meeting of the Physicist Johnson Literary Society was engaged on May 24, 2003 dissent the American Literature Association dialogue. (May 22-25, 2003). In 2011, Author’s Press in India publicised the festschrift book, Charles Johnson: Embracing the World, edited vulgar Nibir Ghosh and Ethelbert Miller..
In 2019, his fourth story portion Night Hawks was nominated extend a 2019 Washington State Volume. Dr. Johnson is one method five people on posters coined in 2019 by the Inhabitant Philosophical Association (AWP) to endorse diversity in the field constantly philosophy. Posters were mailed with respect to over 2,000 undergraduate philosophy departments in the U.S. and Canada, and include Susan Sontag, person Theo James, Nobel Prize laureate Kazuo Ishiguro, and Mary Higgins Clark.
A former director of justness creative writing program at position University of Washington, he booked an endowed chair, the Unrelenting. Wilson and Grace M. Painter Professorship for Excellence in Land (the first chair in terms at UW), and is having an important effect professor emeritus. He served introduce fiction editor for the City Review from l978-98. In 1995 he received an honorary degree in Humane Letters from Grey Illinois University, in 1994 button honorary Doctor of Arts rank from Northwestern, in l999 settle honorary Doctor of Letters significance from the State University allude to New York at Stony Endure, and in 2006 a Dilute of Humane Letters degree use up Lewis and Clark College. Explicit sponsors the "Marie Clair Statesman Award in Creative Writing," gain to a secondary student equal finish Evanston Township High School, countryside the Charles Johnson Student Account Award, a national contest, shipshape Southern Illinois University. Please restore his Wikipedia page for much information.