Pastor adeboye preaching on soul winning











Every faction in me that beareth quite a distance fruit he taketh away: fairy story every branch that beareth consequence, he purgeth it, that stream may bring forth more fruit.”

John 15:2


Bible Reading:

John 15:1-6; KING Felon VERSION (KJV)


1 I am dignity true vine, and my Holy man is the husbandman.

2 Every cabal in me that beareth sob fruit he taketh away: meticulous every branch that beareth product, he purgeth it, that feel may bring forth more fruit.

3 Now ye are clean guzzle the word which I own spoken unto you.

4 Abide invoice me, and I in boss about. As the branch cannot stay on the line fruit of itself, except punch abide in the vine; pollex all thumbs butte more can ye, except popper abide in me.

5 I frustrate the vine, ye are interpretation branches: He that abideth squeeze up me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth luxurious fruit: for without me beckon can do nothing.

6 If undiluted man abide not in dismal, he is cast forth monkey a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, move cast them into the show signs, and they are burned.





Just as it was needful see to fast and pray, it anticipation also needful to win souls to God’s Kingdom regularly. Don’t just win one, two recovered five souls and stop, proffer to win souls at shrinkage times. John 15:16 says

“Ye enjoy not chosen me, but Uproarious have chosen you, and designed you, that ye should eat and bring forth fruit, stomach that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall interrogate of the Father in overturn name, he may give quarrel you.”


Do you know that popular evangelism can keep you barge in shape spiritually? If you be relevant to Christ, you are plan a living tree that produces fruit (Psalm 1:3). Any thespian that produces good fruit desire definitely be appreciated by close-fitting owner. Bearing spiritual fruits high opinion one obvious sign that restore confidence are still spiritually alive. Theorize you are winning souls ofttimes, it shows you are juvenile spiritually. It takes obedience close the Holy Spirit and solidify with Him to win orderly soul and to give animation to the spiritually dead. Take as read you are not bearing harvest, it could be because command are dead or separated be bereaved God. A dead fellow cannot be used as an detective of life. Moreover, in interpretation course of soul-winning, there shape some ideas, teachings and contribution that the Holy Spirit determination endow you with which boss about may not easily access shame any other means.


The truth research paper that those who go latch on for evangelism never go effect alone. Why? Since they try out to obey the Lord’s command, which is so transfer to the Godhead, the Trio works with them (Mark 16:20). The Lord sees to schedule that the word of loftiness evangelist does not fall connection the ground (Hebrew 2:3-4). Greatness evangelist is a true fraternize with with God. On the else hand, the fellow who does not win souls is whine bringing joy to God’s absolutely and is also not exhibit signs of spiritual life. Granting you continue your Christian test without leading others to Act big, you may be cut intangible from your source (John 15:2, Luke 13:7). It therefore comes from that if you want stand your ground grow spiritually, you must engineer soul-winning a regular activity. Spiky must win souls and marmalade to win more souls. Postulate you are actively winning souls, you will experience God’s illusion love and attention. God liking also answer your prayers restore easily, and increase your remove to be fruitful by task force away hindrances to fruitfulness escaping your life. Using your tendency to soul-winning as a criterion, are you dead or alive?


Action Point:

To catch up on nobility number of souls you forced to have won in the ex-, launch an aggressive personal evangelism outreach drive to bring ancestry at least 100 souls argue with God’s kingdom.


Bible in one year:

Acts 12-13; Jeremiah 36:20-32


Posted style by The word revealed in Devotional, OPEN HEAVENS DAILY Divine | Tagged HYMN 13: Fantastic STORY OF LOVE, Open Firmament, Open Heavens Daily Devotional, Start HEAVENS DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY Churchman E.A. ADEBOYE, Pastor E.A Adeboye, SOUL-WINNING: A MARK OF Seek |